3 Hour Diet at Home
Spa Finder, Inc


Ok I'm annoyed!

You know what? I like Ugly Betty, I think its a cute show, its not all that serious, its funny and I adore the gay nephew! However, I'm sick and tired of all these "I'm a pretty girl who's gonna put on 6 hours worth of make-up to make myself ugly shows."

On Entertainment Tonight, we've got Vanessa Manillo crying on national television because she has fake braces stuck in her mouth. She's wearing a size 12 for goodness sake! And just feels so horrible and so ignored and so unhappy. Give me a freakin break! "I may feel beautiful on the inside," she says, "but the outside world just gave me a cruel wake-up call." Shut the phukk up!

On her show today Tyra Banks went undercover as a homeless person. And it was just oh so devastating and such an eye opener....Why would you need this to open your eyes? Did being homeless ever look like it was a good thing?

Tyra "spends the day on skid row with Danielle, a formerly homeless woman who shows Tyra where she lived, how she ate and where she slept. Tyra also speaks with Franklin and Egypt, two kids whose father's drug addiction cost them their home and forced their mom and siblings to live in a shelter. She also speaks with Ashley, a young single mother of two kids who was living the fairytale life and lost it all when her fiancé left her. Tyra invites them back to her stage where she gives them a gift that will change their lives!" What can she give them? A job, an education? A home? You're not Oprah!

You're not deep. You get to go back to the make-up room and take all this crap off and go back to your former super model life and your bed with fine ass Nick Lachey. What have you proven? What us fat and homeless folks have known all our lives, that people are cruel and people don't care and that life sucks when you're not skinny, pretty and rich? Thanks!


Anonymous said...

i agree, this crap is played out! Tyra, stick to modeling, Vannessa, stick to Lachey and Willa, go back to F-List!

Anonymous said...


I thought it was just me!!!!!
