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Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey's Diet - Pucture Perfect or Irresponsible?
The British Dietetic Association says celebrities are being irresponsible by endorsing fad diets that could be harmful.

The BDA's Amanda Wynne says, "We are concerned about these diets, and the way in which celebrities advocate them is irresponsible."

But are all celebrities' diet really so harmful and irresponsible? Let's take Mariah Carey - a singer whose remarkable voice helped her dance tunes reach the top of the pop charts and whose remarkable weight loss story made headlines recently. She lost weight rather fast (according to the plan, in 11 days) on new Dr. Shapiro plan "The Picture Perfect Prescription".

Dr. Shapiro said, "We helped get Mariah Carey started with the weight loss she has achieved - she lost about 10 pounds during the time we worked together." So what is this plan about?

Here are the four principles of the program:
1. Stress control
2. Exercise
3. Eating nutritious food that tastes good
4. Reaching out, maintaining optimism

"A perfectly tuned body will take you only so far. After that, researchers have discovered, the quality of your relationships with other people - in your personal, social and spiritual life," wrote Dr. Shapiro in his book. In fact, there's nothing in the plan that any doctor, psychologist, or fitness professional could call "irresponsible". This approach can help any dieter to improve health and life style, not only lose weight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't respond to your low-carb thing sooner. I'm just responding to this one to make sure you see it. =P

I know you've probably been misled by the public and celebrities, but just to let you know, you can still eat low-glycemic fruit, non-starchy vegetables, full-fat dairy, and low-carb bread (yes, it does exist. I'm a college student though, so I don't really have the money to pay for...um...food, so I have to make do without that for now.) on this eating plan.

Also, don't think of this plan as just a quick way to lose weight. I gave up sugar so I wouldn't have to worry about diabetes and obesity (I'm getting pretty sick of cavities, too. =P), not just to lose weight. I think it's great that I get to eat as much as I want, too. I think my nutrient intake is about 50% fat, 40% protein, and 10% carbs.

I've actually been doing all this research to help benefit my mom. She's pre-diabetic and a little overweight, so I'm trying to find out enough information to help her get well. She's been really reluctant to accept the fact that fat is a nutrient your body needs, so I tried explaining it to her like this: if someone is retaining water, then the most obvious solution to the problem is to drink more water so that your cells don't have to cling to water for dear life. It's the same way with fat. Fat is an important nutrient, and most people in this country are depriving themselves of it. They are, quite literally, starving themselves without even realizing it, which can lead to them "retaining fat" i.e. weight gain.

I'm sure you've heard of a starvation diet. However, the main trigger for the starvation response is a lack of NUTRIENTS rather than a lack of calories.

I'm not naïve enough to think that one diet could possibly work for everyone. You need to find a plan that works for you and then stick with it the rest of your life. I'm just telling you that the low-carb lifestyle has worked for a ton of other people, and now it's worked for me, too. Even if I don't have much weight to lose... I'm 5'9" and I started this at around 150 or 151 lbs. I've been doing this for...maybe two weeks? I dunno. All I know is that I started SOMETIME in June 2007, and I'm already down to 143 lbs (and again, I'm not even really trying to lose weight. Seriously, I eat like a horse!).

If you want a website where you can find a lot of studies on this diet, including low-carb products and recipes, then I recommend this blog: http://livinlavidalocarb.blogspot.com/

If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask in your blog, because I'd be happy to respond! Even if you don't decide to do this, I'm very glad for you that you've decided to do SOMETHING to help you improve your health! Keep up the good work!

~Miss Anonymous