EliSabeth Hasselbeck - imitation not flattering?
So this morning on The View my lease favorite co-host eliSabeth was all pissed off b/c the used a name SIMILAR to hers on Law & Order SVU this week. I watched that episode and thought it was kinda funny myself - not the episode, the name usage!
The woman, Elizabeth Hassenback, had been raped twice and finally killed by her rapist. eliSabeth recounted her conversation with an executive producer of L&O SVU, who she refused to name. "I told him 'Look, I want to let you know that I think it's socially irresponsible and gruesomely suggestive to do this in today's day and age." She described the executive producer as "defensive right from the jump" and said that he told he her to "chalk it up to coincidence." The best part is that when the producer was tired of listening to her rant and rave, like I am every day, he said "Goodbye lady," and hung up on her!
I don't know who he is but I Love Him!!!!! Man she gets on my nerves! And stop pretending that you like Rosie! We all know you don't! We all know you don't think she should be allowed to marry. You don't "believe" in her lifestyle or her right to adopt kids. Get over yourself and quit PLEASE!!!!
I don't know who he is but I Love Him!!!!! Man she gets on my nerves! And stop pretending that you like Rosie! We all know you don't! We all know you don't think she should be allowed to marry. You don't "believe" in her lifestyle or her right to adopt kids. Get over yourself and quit PLEASE!!!!
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