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Breaking News! K-Fed Gets Gas!

Mr. Kevin Federline was spotted getting gas Sunday morning! Apparently, Kevin had been visiting the Malibu Colony area where Britney Spears and the kids are currently staying. So what was he doing in Malibu? Visiting his wife and kids?


Anonymous said...

We missed him to!!! How do these damn photogs find them?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

FedEx is really keeping a low profile lately.

It won't help him gain custody of his children with Britney. Afterall, he is the man who walked out on his girlfriend (who already had one baby with him), when she was seven months pregnant to be with Britney.

That doesn't speak very highly of him at all!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait...Let me get this right...he has money to buy gas after partying like the 'rockstar' he is?
